Award winning
A panel of judges at the Vermont Maple Festival agree with our customers - we make excellent maple syrup.
Try some of our Vermont Maple products today and judge for yourself!
These ribbons are for our 2023 Amber and Dark maple syrup and maple pecan fudge with cayenne and Ceylon cinnamon. Maple syrup is judged on density, clarity, color, and - most importantly - on flavor.

We produce maple syrup whose flavors express the best character of the land, the trees and the skills of the people who make it. Producing small quantities means that each barrel must stand on its own. There's no room to hide flaws by mixing several barrels into a large batch.
We keep families on family farms, keep the working landscape working, and keep this very Vermont industry in the hands of Vermonters, not private equity.
More information
It takes 42 liters of sap to make 1 liter of maple syrup. We condense the sap on a wood fire, not on oil.
The maple trees must be 25 cm in diameter before we can harvest them, which corresponds to about 40 years. Most of our trees are between 100 and 350 years old. The forest has always taken care of itself, so the best thing we can do for the forest is to let it live.

Unexpected flavors
Maple syrup is produced in March and April, when the nights are below freezing and the days above. The change in temperature brings the sap from the roots to the branches.
Attention to climate, weather, soils, tree health, sap composition, sap handling and processing, and boiling time allows a skilled sugar maker to produce amazing and unique flavors.

Vermont is a small state, but we produce more than half of all the maple syrup made in the United States.
The Green Mountain State is known for maple syrup, ice cream, beer, hiking, skiing, mountain biking, and being green. No billboards, over 99% of electricity consumed is from renewable sources.
It is a great place to live and vacation.